Standard Medication Times

Delivery of oral scheduled medications at Standard Medication Times

Tailor to fit your patient’s specific medication orders with schedule medication administration (SMA)
Reduces Clinician Exposure

Reduces Nursing Exposure to Infection

The SMA MOD® saves on trips to a patient’s room just to deliver a medication and reduces exposure to infections such as COVID-19
Saves Time

Saves Nursing Time

Putting on PPE to enter a patient’s room is time consuming
Saves Critical Resources

Saves Critical Protection Resources

PPE is expensive and often in short supply
SMA MOD Device
Improved Communication

Documentation of Medication Administration

THE SMA MOD® displays real time updates on the dashboard for easy to find patient updates
Flexible Bolus Dosing

Flexible Bolus Dosing

Can be tailored to each patients’ specific needs
Multiple Medication Management

Multiple Medication Management

SMA MODs can be set up for the most complex medication needs
Secure Medication Delivery

Secure Medication Delivery

Unique to patient RFID wrist bands insure patient identity & reduce the potential for diversion
The Scheduled Medication Administration (SMA) MOD

Delivery of oral scheduled medications at Standard Medication Times

The Scheduled Medication Administration (SMA) MOD® provides the maximum of flexibility and efficiency when dealing with patients that have or suspected of having contagious diseases. The SMA MOD® can be tailored to unique and patient specific dosing times with a simple point and click series of menu options. The result will be an autonomous medication delivery system that will maximize efficiency and insure on time delivery of patients’ scheduled oral medications.

Standard Medication Times
Reduces Clinician Exposure

Reduces Nursing Exposure to Infection

In times of a pandemic nurses are at the front line. The potential for personal exposure is always top of mind. The SMA MODs ability to reduce the number of times RNs need to enter an isolation room is a significant advancement to reducing staff exposure to contagious diseases and improving employee health initiatives.

Saves Time

Saves Nursing Time

The global healthcare delivery system had many lessons learned from the most recent pandemic. One of the biggest was that there simply were not enough nurses for optimal patient care. Our peer reviewed studies have demonstrated that the manual dosing of oral medications is a major inefficient use of time during a nurse’s shift. What if this process was automated? The SMA MOD® accomplishes this. Thus, freeing up time to focus on tasks that have a much higher return on quality outcomes.

Saves Critical Protection Resources

Saves Critical Protection Resources

The second lesson learned from the pandemic is the supply chain of critical personal protection equipment (PPE) remains severely disrupted. What if we could save 1 set of PPE per nurse per shift? The SMA MOD® can accomplish this. The nurse patient time together is important and critical to the patient’s well-being. However, to enter a patient’s isolation area for the singular purpose of administering an oral medication is a wasteful use of expensive and hard to obtain PPE. The automation available via the SMA MOD® reduces the waste by helping reduce the number of times a nurse needs to enter the areas around the most highly contagious patients.

Documentation of Medication Administration

Documentation of Medication Administration

The biggest concern with automated medication delivery is knowing your patient’s status. Did they take the medication on time? When did they take it? How do I chart it? THE SMA MOD® addresses all these concerns with the MOD® Dashboard available on the nursing workstation computer or the nursing station computer or wherever leadership would like this information displayed. Color coded updates are available and more specific patient details are a simple click away.

Red background on patient's MOD
Flexible Bolus Dosing

Flexible Bolus Dosing

Special circumstances and unique clinical situations arise. Often these situations call for a bolus dose or increase in medication frequency. The SMA MOD® is up to this challenge. Secure Bolus capabilities are built into the software. This will offer Physicians, Nurses, and pharmacists maximum flexibility when dealing with the most critical of patients.

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Multiple Medication Management

Multiple Medication Management

Severely ill patients often require multiple medications. It is not unusual for critically ill patients to have multiple infusion pumps. The SMA MOD® has this capability as well, multiple MODs can be stacked to address complex multiple oral medication protocols. THE SMA MOD® brings the added benefit of easy communication and documentation with all the MODs a patient might have.

Secure Medication Delivery

Secure Medication Delivery

Security of Medication is at the forefront of every nurse’s mind. The unique Radiofrequency Identification (RFID) wrist band that the patient wears for medication access only to their MOD® devices prevents access by others. Once the patient is signed into their MODs with their unique RFID identifier no other patient or family member will have access to the medications at the patient’s bedside. The SMA MOD® will ensure that the correct medication will be delivered on time every time.

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